The Movement Library
[ENG] Maureen Jonker explores the possibilities of arranging the human body in ever-changing spaces and situations. This interest stems from a sport she has practiced for several years – synchronized swimming. Direct references to synchronized swimming do not lie at the surface of her work. The underlying motive, however, is almost always stimulated by the urge to create choreographies.
The Movement Library is a project Maureen Jonker started during her research at AIT residency. Her residency research mainly focuses on themes of organization and visualization of movement. The movement Library originates from this research, and concentrates on questions, such as: How is communication possible when you don’t speak the same language? How can we communicate without verbal communication? How can we translate stationary movement into motion? Which daily actions may seen as a performance?
In this workshop, participants are invited to contribute “movements” to The Movement Library. The workshop consists of a motion-sharing system where participants cooperatively create movements. The artist will offer concept cards, she especially designed for this workshop. Participants will be asked to draw or make a collage about daily proceedings, on their cards. After finishing those concepts, without verbal communication, other participants interpret these drawings and translate them into movements. After a few rounds, there is space to explain and discuss the created cards. Those movements and drawings will be added to the artist movement database: The Movement Library.
This class/workshop is a work in progress. After the workshop/dance class, the artist will translate the movements into a new work and choreography.

Drawn cards by the participants

Workshop promotion material
The Movement Library
cards drawn by participants